Apex Legends long loading screen, Is the Servers Down?

Many users have complained that the Apex Legends long loading screen is causing the issues. Many have posted on different online platforms about this ever loading screen, whenever they are opening the game.

The Long Loading Screen in Apex Legends is caused by the server timeout. Although we haven’t heard from the developers yet. But it’s confirmed now that the users have been facing this issue for almost 4-5 hours now.

Here is how it stated by the EA Help account:

Apex Legends long loading screen

The updated tweet by the developers claiming that they have fixed the Loading Screen stuck issue in Apex Legends.

Meanwhile, if you are still facing the Loading Screen Stuck in Apex Legends. You can simply reply to their tweet. As per our sources, the game servers are online and the game is up and ready.

Download Epix Legends For Windows 10 PC:

The minimum requirements will do just fine for most players but those looking to get the best possible experience out of their title and boost their chances of success with higher frame rate, here is the recommended system configuration:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit) or newer
  • CPU: Intel i5 3570K or equivalent or higher
  • Hard Disk: Minimum 30GB space or higher
  • RAM: 8GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
  • GPU RAM: 8GB

Here are the refreshed updated Download Links for Apex Legends for Windows 10 PC:

Apex Legends Windows 10 64-Bit Download Link

Apex Legends Windows 10 32-Bit Download Link


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