Download VMware Player for Windows 10

VMware Player formerly known as Player Pro is the workstation player that makes it possible to simultaneously run more than one operating system on a single PC. With this slick desktop virtualization app you can easily run virtual machines linked to VMware Player for Windows 10. Install this software package on Windows 10 to run and control multiple desktops from one PC. This simple to use program is the best option for those looking to allow their customers, employees and contractors to access virtual desktop at high speed. Download and install VMware Player for Windows 10 following just a few simple steps, register with the service and you are good to go.


How it works:

You can install this software tool on Linux and Mac OS X PCs as well. Its working is really simple, just install VMware Player for PC which is referred as host computer. Make sure your PC fulfills hardware requirements for installation as there are separate requirements for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems. Install guide will assist you during the installation. You can choose to set customized settings or go with default settings which is the better option.

Best Features of VMware Player:

  • It works with Microsoft Virtual Server machines and Microsoft Virtual PC machines.
  • Enables fast data sharing between host PC and virtual machine.
  • You can run as many operating systems as you like on one PC without slowing down computer.
  • Full USB 2.0 support.
  • It has user-friendly interface from where you can easily access options related to different virtual machines.
  • Everything is configured in advance for you so that you don’t have to manually reconfigure system settings after software installation. It automatically detects PC hardware and software settings and adjusts them for you.
  • You can use third-party images on virtual machines.
  • 24/7 host and server machine technical support for users.
  • Test any operating system on your PC without worrying about hardware configurations.
  • CD/DVD/Blur-ray, USB flash drives and network adapters on host PC can be easily used from remote location.
  • Secure links transfer fully encrypted data between host and server machines which means no chance of important information getting hacked online.

You can use applications installed on virtual machines and share data to and from virtual machine and your PC. Run personal or corporate PCs in safe environment on advanced hardware packed computers for maximum output.

Download VMware Player for Windows 10 (64-bit):

This software package is best for IT professionals, academics and home users. It works on 64-bit OS versions. Click on the link before for downloading it for free. But after the trial period you can purchase complete version with lifetime customer support at a reasonable price.

Download VMware Player for Windows 10: Link

Download VMware Player for Windows (Paid version): Link

For More, See: How to Shut Down Windows 10 using Cortana Voice Command


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