Many users who have upgraded from Windows 7/Vista/XP to Windows 8/8.1/10 have been experiencing more blue screen errors than usual, which maybe because of installing advanced Windows 10/8/8.1 operating systems on older hardware or outed Windows drivers. One such driver error on Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 is Driver Power State Failure which can be really irritating for users. This Driver_Power_State_Failure is also known as 0x0000009F. Here you are going to get the solution of this driver power state failure blue screen error on Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 PC/laptops.
Usually this error gets fixed after the restart but if that doesn’t work then see our solution methods below to fix it. There are various types of this BSOD blue screen error such as internet connectivity problem, unable to boot Windows, faulty graphics card driver, WiFi not connecting.
Reasons for Driver Power State Failure
Driver Power State Failure error is caused by many reasons including incompatible drivers, outdated drivers, faulty drivers, new OS running on obsolete PC hardware. If you PC is infect by this error, every time you try to shutdown, restart, sleep your PC you see this blue screen error on Windows screen. Sometimes this error get automatically resolved after Windows update, but on most occasions it remains on PC causing great distress to its users. If this error is occurring frequently then its time to take remedial action and get rid of it permanently.
How To Fix Driver Power State Failure Error on Windows 10/8/8.1 PC:
You can follow any of the below mentioned methods to get rid of this error.
1 – Fix Driver Power State Failure Error Caused by Connectivity During Sleep Mode
Many Windows 10/8/8.1 users who have upgraded from older OS are complaining that whenever they try to shutdown or restart PC it gets stuck on blue screen. This blue screen of death error on PC maybe is the result of power management problems. When you put PC in sleep mode drivers go to low power consumption state to preserve battery but when you try to start the PC again sometimes drivers fail to wake up to full power mode which could result in Driver Power State Failure error message on the screen or blue screen of death. Mostly, network drivers are the real culprits behind this issue. See steps below to resolve this problem.
1 – Turn on High Performance Mode
- Navigate to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options and check the option High Performance
- Now adjust screen brightness to desired level
- All done
2 – Disable Power Management
Network drivers that are causing this error need to be switched off. Here how to do it:
- Press Windows Key + R
- Run window will open. Now type devmgmt.msc and hit enter key to open Device Manager window. Or right-click This PC, select Properties and click Device Manager.
- Click Network Adapters option from the list
- Double-click wireless driver and click Power Management tab.
- Uncheck where it says ‘Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’.
- Hit OK button and Restart the PC
Now see if the error is gone or not. If not then see next method
2 – Update Windows Drivers
Update drivers to fix this error. Here’s how:
- Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update
- Click Check for Updates
- Install new updates if any are available
- Restart PC
- Now open Device Manager. For that go to This PC > Properties and click Device Manager option.
- Click ‘Scan Drivers for Updates’ option or simply right-click on all drivers one by one and select Update Driver Software from context menu
- If you see yellow exclamation marks next to any driver it means it is outdated and requires update.
3 – Roll Back Drivers
Sometimes when you update drivers it can cause this Driver Power State Failure error because new update is not compatible with system hardware. In such cases, you may want to go back to the previous version that was working on PC.
- Open Device Manager by right-clicking This PC, select Properties from drop-down menu and click Device Manager option.
- Now right-click on the effected driver from the list and click Properties.
- Click Driver tab on Properties window and click Roll Back Driver option
- Restart PC
- All done
4 – Uninstall Recently Install Programs from PC
If Driver Power State Failure is being caused after you installed some third-party app or software then its time to delete that app/software. To uninstall it login to PC in Safe Mode and uninstall that program or app. Here is how to boot in safe mode:
- Lock PC
- Click Power icon on Lock screen
- Press and Hold Shift Key and click Restart
- A new blue screen with a list of option opens.
- Go to troubleshoot > advanced options
- click Start Up Settings and Restart PC
Above mentioned methods should work for you in resolving Driver Power State Failure error on Windows 10/8/8.1 PC/laptops.
Also Read: How to Fix Drivers on Windows 10/8.1/8 | Acer Drivers for Windows 10