How To Add / Remove Folders In The Windows 10 Photos App

Windows 10 has a default photos app that automatically syncs the pictures saved in the OneDrive folder and library on your desktop PC, laptop or Surface device. The Photos app in Windows 10 comes pre-installed with all latest computers that run Microsoft’s latest operating system. We have already shared how you can disable OneDrive sync icon from file explorer in Windows 10. However, if you prefer to keep indexing and photo from the Picture library from showing in the Photos app, or want to allow images from other folders to show in the Photos app, it can done from the app’s settings. Keep reading to learn how.


First of all, launch the Photos app on your device, click on the three dotted icon in the top left corner of the app’s interface to enter settings. Once in Settings, the first item you see is titled ‘Sources’ which is the area where all the action will take place.

photos app sources windows 10

Under Sources, you’ll see locations on your system connected to the Photos app. All images uploaded/saved to these folders will automatically be synced to the main Photos app in windows 10. To remove a source, just click on the cross next to a folder path after which images in that specific folder won’t be synced to the Photos app. Here you can also remove the Pictures library if you want.

To add a source, simply click the ‘Add a folder’ (shown as plus ‘+’ sign) button at the top of the sources list (see image above).

Now wait a few seconds for the selected folder box to open. Time it takes to open varies depending on your system speed. So be patient and don’t click anywhere else in the meantime. When the selected folder box shows up, head over to the folder you wish to add, click to select it and then click ‘Add this folder to Pictures’ button.

add folders to the picture library in windows 10

Once done, the selected folder, along with all the images and sub-folders it contains, will be added to the Photos.

That’s it. You have learnt how to add and remove folders in the Windows 10 Photos App. Leave feedback and queries in the comments section below.


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