How to Easily Remove Shortcut Virus in Windows 10 / 7 / 8 / 8.1

Here see the best way to delete shortcut virus from a Windows PC desktop, laptop or tablet quickly. Every Windows user knows about shortcut virus and those who still don’t know about it’s the virus that automatically creates the shortcut folders of programs on a device infected by it and even if you delete that shortcut it reappears either inside the effected folder or on the desktop screen. In this guide we are going to show you how to permanently remove shortcut virus from your Windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1 powered desktop PC or laptop.


The shortcut virus is a common issue on PCs. Most users make the mistake of thinking that just formatting the hard or flash drive will fix the problem. But it’s the not the case, even after cleaning up hard drive on your computer, shortcut virus resurfaces and unfortunately it a common issue on many devices running Windows OS. Shortcut virus is not like Trojan and malware which can be easily removed using an antivirus tool. Trying to delete the Shortcut virus using antivirus program won’t get the job done.

Mostly this virus travels from one computer to another through an infected flash drive. If a flash drive has shortcut virus on it and you connect it to your PC, it quietly moves to your computer as well. Downloading an infected .exe file from internet could also result in shortcut virus transferring onto your device.

best way to remove shortcut virus from windows and flash drive

And once shortcut virus makes its way to your device, it hides itself in important system files and folders. However, the most worrying part is it can steal data from your system files and folders including Pin codes, credit card details, personal and work data, and much more. Hackers use it to spy on your PC and web browsing activity.

Most users think simply formatting flash drive will remove the virus but it can still be there even after that. So if you are worrying about formatting flash drive, memory card or pen drive to remove shortcut virus would also wipe out important from it and hesitate to go through with it, then read the solution below to learn the perfect way to permanently removing shortcut virus without losing data.

How to Permanently Remove Shortcut Virus on Windows PC

1 – Press and hold Windows Key + R keyboard shortcut to open RUN dialogue box.

2 – Type cmd in the RUN box and hit enter to open the command prompt. You can also open RUN box from the start menu.

3 – In the prompt, type the letters of your flash drive, memory card or whatever you are trying remove the virus from. For example, my flash drive letter is E, so i will type in command prompt and hit enter.

4 – Next, type del * .Ink and hit enter key.

5 – Now, enter the code below and hit enter:

attrib -s -r -h *.* /s /d /l

6 – Now, open flash drive where you should now be able to see all lost files. Back up important files and then format it to remove shortcut virus.

All done. Hopefully this helped to remove shortcut virus from your Windows and flash drive. For further help, send queries in comments section below.


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