How to Install Android Apps on Windows 10 Phone

Android is world leader when it comes to smartphone apps that explains its large mobile market share because users get all sorts of Android apps to play with on their Android powered phones. On the other hand Microsoft’s Windows 10 Phone lineup is struggling to make inroads in mobile market largely due to lack of interesting apps on its mobile app store. Developers usually shy away from building apps for unpopular mobile platforms out of fear of wasting time and resources on something that can’t guarantee adequate return on investment. If you are looking forward to having Android apps on Windows 10 Phone then you are out of luck because Microsoft is sticking to its policy of promoting its own Windows 10 mobile apps on its phones rather than giving users a choice of using Android apps on Windows 10 mobiles. However, there are ways to circumvent this restriction. In this post we will show you how to install Android app on Windows 10 Phones.

Android apps come with APK files that you can use to install them on devices that are incompatible with Android platform, Apk files can also be used to install apps on Android phones if normal install function isn’t working properly on them. Similarly, on Windows 10 Phones you can use Android Apk files to install apps easily.

We are going to show you two methods of installing Android apps on Windows 10 mobiles; first method installs apps along with Google services, if it doesn’t work then move on to the second method which is a bit trickier, so we suggest that you be extra careful while following instruction in the second method.

Here is the list of Windows 10 Lumia phones that will work with (solution 1) provided below, see if your device is in it:

Nokia Lumia 930

Nokia Lumia 920

Nokia Lumia 928

Nokia Lumia 730

Nokia Lumia 1020

Nokia Lumia 929 (icon)

Nokia Lumia 1520 (1GB version)

Nokia Lumia 435

Nokia Lumia 925

Nokia Lumia 935

Nokia Lumia 830

Nokia Lumia 820

1 – How to Install Android Apps on Windows 10 Phone along with Google Services:

After following this method you will be able to use Android apps on Windows 10 Phones, moreover, all Android apps will be supported by Google services as if you have been using them on any Android phone. First of all make sure your phones has Windows 10 Phone Build 10149 or later installed on it.

Here’s how you can install Android Apk on Windows 10 Phones:

  • Download APK Deployment Tool here and install it
  • Watch the video below for help

Follow steps below for installing Android apps with Google services on Windows 10 phones:

  • Download GMaps patcher here
  • Watch this video to see how to patch/fix “Google Services Required Error’ on Windows Phones

  • Use APK Deployment tool to install patched Apk file to Windows 10 Phone

2 – How to Install Android Apps on Windows 10 Phone with WConnect:

If the above mentioned method didn’t work on your Windows 10 mobile then go ahead and follow step-by-step instructions below to install Android apps Apk on Windows 10 Phone but be very careful in following instructions as they are to avoid any installation error.

First of all download ADB tool here. Also download WConnect for PC (Link1/Link2). To Unzip downloaded files on PC use file extraction software.

  • From extracted wconnect tool folder, install vcredist_x86.exe and IpOverUsbInstaller.msi files on PC.
  • On Windows 10 Phone go to settings > update > security > developers. Tick the check box next to the option developer mode and enable device discovery option. To get pairing code tap pair button on Windows 10 Phone, remember the pairing code or write it down somewhere.
  • Open command prompt on PC as an administrator.
  • On command prompt type the path to the PC location where you extracted WConnect folder, leave it there and move on to the next step.
  • Connect Windows 10 Phone to PC via USB cable.
  • Back on command prompt window, type and run the command wconnect.exe usb.
  • Now type in the pairing code when asked and hit enter.
  • Open Command prompt type path to ADB extracted folder location on PC and hit enter to go to the ADB folder directory on command prompt. Then type ADB Devices and press enter again to see list of connected devices.
  • Download & copy/move Android app’s APK file to ADB folder and type the command “adb install (appname).apk” in the command prompt and hit enter key to install the app on Windows 10 Phone. For example, if you want to install Android version of viber on Windows 10 Phone then type “adb install viber.exe” and press enter key.
  • All done. Now enjoy Android apps on Windows 10 phones.

If error message appears on command prompt check if Windows Phone is properly connected to the PC or pairing code is accurate.

For more on AppsforWin10, Read: Best Disk Space Analyzers for PC Windows 10 | Download WhatsApp 2.12.232 Beta update on Windows 10 Phones


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