How to Set VLC as Default Media Player in Windows 10.

Here’s a guide on how to set VLC players as default media player in Windows 10 PC desktop/laptop. Windows 10 comes with Microsoft’s own branded video and audio media players set as default. Since every user has different requirements and default media player in Windows 10 may not the best option for you, therefore, knowing how to set Windows 10 default media player audio and video apps is really beneficial and saves you time on searching the internet for ways to set default media player app on Windows 10 PC/laptop. Windows Media Player is the default media player app that comes pre-installed on purchases copies of Windows 10. Windows Media Player being Microsoft’s own default app comes with features such as Groove Music integration and more. However, it may not be the preferred option for many. VLC Media Player remains the go to media player app for significant number of Windows users and is used daily by millions around the world as the default media player in Windows 10. If you want to know how to set VLC as default media player in Windows 10, then you are in the right place as we are going to discuss two ways of setting up VLC as default Windows 10 media player app on PC & Laptop.


When you fresh or reinstall Windows 10 on PC or on non-windows device, you get Microsoft’s own apps such as Windows Media Center as well as the media player app set as default. You can change these default Windows app and replace them with your favorite apps. One of the most used Media Players apps on Windows platform is the VLC Media Player. Microsoft pushes its own Music and Video player apps as default Music and media apps for obvious reasons. However, Windows 10 enables you to change default apps includng the Media Player app from the new Settings app.

You can set VLC Media Player as default Media Player in Windows 10 on desktop & laptop. There are two ways to do it as explained below.

How to Set VLC as Default Media Player in Windows 10

Method 1:

This method is best if you don’t want to open all audio and video media files in Windows 10 via a single media player app. It involves setting a particular media file type to open with VLC Media player or any other media player app for that matter. This way you can choose different media players for opening different files, they will no longer be bound to open via a default media player app.

1 – Download a audio/video file that you want to open with VLC Media player. If it is already saved on PC, then navigate to the file location or folder where you have saved the file. For this tutorial, i’ll be using a .flv video file.

2 – Right-click on the desired file and from the contextual menu, highlight the Open with option by moving the mouse pointer over it or tapping on it to open another drop-down option box and select Choose another app.


3 – Now a new box asking How do you want to open this file? will popup on the screen.

4 – If the VLC Media Player is not set as the default media player app, then select it from the list under the ‘Other options’.


5 – All done. Repeat the same process for opening any other media file type in Windows 10 using the VLC player.

Method 2:

This seconds method will teach you how to set VLC media player as default media player app in Windows 10 for all audio and media files. After this, all media files saved on your PC will automatically open with the VLC media player for Windows 10.

1 – Download and Install VLC Media Player app on Windows 10 PC, if it isn’t already installed on your computer.

Download VLC Media Player for Windows (32-Bit)

Download VLC Media Player for Windows (64-Bit)

2 – Click Start.

3 – Open Settings.

4 – In Settings, click on the System option.

5 – Next, click on Default apps.

6 – Under ‘Choose default apps’ window pane you will see a list of default apps for various functions on Windows 10.

7 – Scroll down and under Music Player, click on the Music and select VLC Media Player from the list to set it as default Windows 10 music player app.

Similarly, under Video Player option, click on the default app icon and from choose an app select VLC Media Player to set it as default video player app in Windows 10.


All done. Close the Settings window and open any audio or video file in Windows 10 to check if the process has been successfully followed or not. After setting VLC as default Windows 10 media player app all audio and video files will automatically open in the VLC media player for Windows 10.

If you change your mind regarding settings VLC media player as default media player app in Windows 10, head to Settings > System > Default apps scroll down and click on the Reset option to go back to the previous media player app setting or click on the VLC icon to set another media player as the default media player app on Windows 10.

Do share your comments below if you have any queries.

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