Krita for Windows 10 is an open sources drawing and painting software that is designed to facilitate concept artists, digital painters as well as casual hobbyists to take their love of sketching and drawing to a whole new level. Download Krita on your Windows 10 desktops & laptops and start using this painting program to develop your concept art, texture/matte painting and illustrations and comics concepts further. Download Krita for PC and use the app for creating unique art and share it with others on social media or online Krita community.
With Krita app you get the opportunity to interact and learn from professional artists to enhance your sketching digital sketching skills. There are online tutorials in the app which help in creating professional paintings. Artists’ interviews are regularly posted to inspire amateurs and new users.
Check other art apps here: Fresh Paint for Windows 10 & 8.1 – Download / Download PicsArt for PC Windows (10/8/8.1/7)/Mac
Krita App for Windows 10 PC & laptops:
Customization: Krita gives you full control over customization features; adjust dockers and panels to suit your work patterns. Crate shortcuts for most used functions to save time.
Stabilizers: Use stabilizers to control brush strokes with Dynamic Brush tool. Change the drag and mass of brush strokes for perfect execution.
Advanced Engine: There are Color Smudge engine, Shape engine, Particle engine, filter engine and many more for brush customization.
Palette: With preference settings option you can pick and change color brushes by just one click.
Wrap-around: Just press W key on the keyboard to open wrap-around mode and see how the image aligns along y and x axis as you paint, saving you time to review and change image dimensions manually.
How to download and install Krita for PC Windows 10:
System requirements for successfully running Krita on PC desktop/laptop Windows 10:
- Windows 10 (64bit/32bit)
- Updated graphics card. Intel graphics card users check list for supported graphics card here.
- Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge web browser for download.
- In case download file is named MAN then change the file extension to .msi for successful download.
1 – Download Krita from the links below:
Krita Windows (32-bit) | Krita Windows (64-bit)
2 – Use WinRar tool for unzipping the downloaded file.
3 – Run the installer file and select installation location on PC, make sure to install it on the drive having plenty of space available.
4 – Follow on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
5 – All done. Click here to learn how to use Krita app.
Main features of Krita:
- Online training session to help you get started with the program. Easy to follow instructions for beginners.
- Advanced OpenGL feature for managing canvas rotation and zooming.
- Select the portion of image to work on, with Global Selection Mask improve selection by feathering and inverting the image.
- Take help from drawing assistant to better understand various options quickly.
- Secure your hard worked images with PSD support so that no one can make changes to it using photoshop software and share it as their own work on the internet. For this load and save images to PSD and safely work across devices.
- With color mixers, mix hundreds of different colors for creating unique color palettes.
- To add visual effects use workflows in OCIO and OpenEXR tools and create dramatic pictures.
- Use mirroring tool for vertical and horizontal mirroring & rotation around axis in order to create kaleidoscope effect.
- Transform masks can be used to bend, move, liquefy images.
Download Krita free app on Windows PCs and start you artistic endeavor to take the world by storm by sharing your paintings, drawing and sketches with others on social media.
Also Check: Quicktime for Windows 10 & How to Uninstall Edge Browser on PC (Windows 10)